Stride Stronger | Run Longer

In 30 days, experience the joy of running with a strong stride and no limitations

Stretch Yourself Strong for Runners

Are you tired of sidelining your passion for running due to nagging pains, injuries, or the fear of overtraining? Or are you struggling to hit your peak performance?

In only 30 days, and in as little as 5 minutes a day, you’ll unlock the true potential of your running journey. 

Run pain-free, effortlessly, and without limitations

At the heart of this program lies your dream outcome: to run pain-free, effortlessly, and without limitations. No more setbacks, no more missed opportunities. But that's not all – you'll also run faster, farther, and outshine your previous bests. Imagine the feeling of leaving your running buddies in awe as you cross the finish line with a new personal record.

🏋️ Empower Your Body, Transform Your Running 🏋️

This program isn't just about running; it's about understanding your body's needs and sculpting it into a resilient, powerful machine. We know that runners encounter unique challenges at every stage. That's why part of our program features strategically designed 5-minute routines that target specific issues head-on. 

Say goodbye to limitations as you sculpt your body into a resilient powerhouse ready to conquer any distance.

Good running is knowing what to do..

and ..

having a body that can respond to what you want it to do !

🧘 Mind-Body Fusion: Your New Superpower

Running isn't just a physical endeavour – it's a mind-body connection. Our program enhances your awareness of your body's cues, helping you identify and address potential roadblocks before they become real obstacles. Learn to listen to your body, understand its signals, and adapt your training accordingly.

💪 Smooth Transition, Lasting Results 💪

You're stronger now, both physically and mentally. But the real magic happens when you seamlessly transition these newfound abilities into your regular training. We'll guide you through techniques that ensure your performance gains aren't lost but instead integrated into your running regimen. You'll train smarter, not just harder, leaving behind the risk of injury and the plateau effect. 

🚀 Elevate Your Running Experience – Starting Now! 🚀

Are you ready to take your running journey to the next level? Join the ranks of runners who run pain-free, set personal bests, and become the envy of their peers. The 30-Day Ultimate Mobility Program for Runners is your blueprint for transformation – from a good runner to an exceptional one.

“This is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their performance.”

Ryan Atkins. OCR World Champ, Tough Mudder World Champ and more..

“Glenn has helped to keep me injury free and and at my strongest.”

Janet Smith, Previous No.1 Ranked Women’s OCR, Ninja Warrior

“Glenn’s knowledge and expertise is first class and would benefit anyone from a professional to a weekend warrior”

Jon Albon. Sky Running World Champ, Spartan Race World champ and much more..

Your 30 day program includes;

  • A 4 week program where I will personally guide you through how to use the stretch Yourself Strong system to improve your running. Weekly tutorials and workshops, plus running technique coaching.

  • 2 x 20 minute classes based on the primary issues I have seen plague all runners over my years of clinical practice

  • 5 minute fixes where you will work on specific issues in short fuss free 5 minute sessions

  • Pre-run warm up sessions and recovery and cool down routines

  • Direct access to me to ask questions and avoid google results full of uneducated answers

  • Access to the members only facebook group where you can ask questions and join in discussions on how to better your running

  • (Current Price $197)


Gait and Running assessment

Have you been chasing why you keep getting pain and injury, even after seeing multiple therapists and coaches over the years? Or, do you just want to target training to exactly what you need?

This is the exact process I take with all of my athletes and teach in my workshops to trainers and coaches. We’ll take a through look at exactly what is happening with your gait, as often it’s the unseen unconscious patterns here that are the reason all of your well meaning exercises and training aren’t getting you the results you need and want.

(Value $168)

And these bonuses!

The Not Really Yoga Virtual Studio

Get 8 weeks access to the entire archive of Not Really Yoga classes as well as tutorials, workshops, challenges and more.

Spice up your morning routine or just improve your mobility and strength through choosing classes based on what your body needs.

(Value $58)

The Stretch Yourself Strong Movement

Here is where members get to experience the unique benefits of The Stretch Yourself Strong system. Designed to improve strength through full range of motion you will be able to explore programs and routines that will see you bulletproof your body and unlocking to keys to pain-free performance. Access past and current challenges and programs including Bulletproof shoulders, The 30 day Glute challenge and more, plus, with your input, we will also work on exactly what you need as we update the content regularly to ensure you are getting what you need without having to go anywhere else. With access to me and the online community this will become your one stop for reliable health wellness and training information where you can ask anything and request any help that you need. 2 months access (Value $58)

Join us now!

  • Over $480 value for only


  • Stretch Yourself Strong for runners (value $197)

  • Gait assessment (Value $168)

  • NRY Virtual Studio ($58)

  • Stretch Yourself Strong Movement ($58)

  • Plus have help on hand to ask questions about any of your training as you go! (priceless!)

  • Over $430 value for only $197.

Please note. Due to the time commitment involved in conducting gait assessments spaces are strictly limited. This checkout here may change to a waitlist at any time as spaces become filled. This special offer is available for September only.


  • Week 1 you will already feel more aware of your movement patterns and feel as though you are moving better and starting to notice the crossover into your training and running.

    By the end of the program you will have improved your gait, running and feel stringer and more mobile. You will have a better understanding of your unique potential red flags that may pop up for you in your training and running, and have a way to address them

  • The primary program consists of short 5 minute routines and longer 20 minute routines. If you do the 20 minute routine once a week and the 5 minute routines 3 x a week you will see results. Following the gait assessment you will also have suggestions of exercises that you can perform for around 30 secs to 1 minute a few times a day to help override your gait patterns. Programming depends on you. Many have had amazing results with these suggestions, while other have opted to use the 20 minute routine as a morning session and perform the 5 minute sessions daily based on their specific needs.

  • The will to run pain free and at your peak performance. No equipment is needed, however if you desire to have suggestions around equipment based resistance training that can be discussed following your assessment.

  • I have run these same strategies with some of the top best athletes in the world, as well as those that thought they would never be able to run, either again, or for the first time. I’ve seen people with knee pain, chronic plantar fasciitis, lower back issues, glute pain, neuropathy, cerebral palsy, MS, and a range of issues and injuries that would be silly to list. The point is, unlocking what your body needs to improve, and using these strategies to improve them is not unique to one group of people. If you want to run, there are the strategies that will help you.

  • Then no worries, I’ll give you your money back….and I’ll make sure to still help you get sorted, and if I can’t. I’ll point you in the right direction.

  • I will ask you to send a video from the front, back and sides of you walking and running. I will send feedback within a week and we will discuss how you can work on the things that are uncovered within the assessment.

Who am I and what do I know about running!?

We are at the bottom of the page, but it’s important to know who you are working with when looking at online programs.

My name is Glenn Phipps. I’m a Central Coast, NSW based Exercise Physiologist and run a successful clinic called Movement Lab.

As a youth I was scouted for my own running talent, having a coach taking me under his wing from around 9 years of age.

Unfortunately injury plagued my opportunities for success and I’ve used these lessons to create the best training programs possible for the athletes I work with.

I worked with a very wide range of athletes, including the number 1 ranked world champions in Sky Running, Spartan Race and Tough Mudder as well as a huge number of podium finishers in a range of events nationally and globally. Daily I help people address their issues so they can “just run like everyone else” whether it’s the first time running or battling through months or years of pain and injury. 

The strategies you will learn are the same that I use in my clinic and with my athletes around the world. 

Glenn Phipps, B.Ex.Sp.Sci, M.Clin.Ex.Phys, AEP

Limited spaces available. Don’t miss this opportunity!