Eliminate pain and tightness, and improve strength from as little as 5 minutes a day

Stretch Yourself Strong is an online 12 week program designed to get you flexible and strong so you can do the things you want free of pain and tightness.
Even if you think you don't have time!

I was sick of dealing with constant niggles that were stopping me being able to go for a run and even muck about with the kids. I've just finished this program and am feeling better than ever, and not only running pain free..but I'm actually faster!!? Actually I think I was pretty well sorted at around Week 6! Highly recommended!

Matt Baker, 42 yr old Dad, runner and program test pilot

Everyone wants to move better but what does that really involve?

This program will teach you to improve your;

  • Flexibility

  • Strength

  • Symmetry and stability

  • Movement patterns.

  • So that you can play your sport, or kick off some sort of typical wreck yourself training or activity without being worried about pain or injury

Stretch yourself strong takes the best of my clinical practice, online programs and utilises the same systems I have been teaching Trainers and Therapists Worldwide to improve flexibility and movement patterns!

In as little as 5 minutes!!?

From only 5 minutes a day you could move better than you ever have.

Get rid of tightness and pain.


Get to the causes of your tightness and pain, and address the weaknesses that come with it.

And, you’ll have your routine done by the time you would have backed out of the driveway and flipped off your first angry tailgater.

In 12 weeks you’ll have addressed your pain, weak spots and tightness and be as balanced as a Kardashians bank account. Heck in 3 weeks you’ll likely be more limber than you ever have been.

At the end of the program you can throw yourself into your knee crunching sport, back breaking burpee group fitness sessions or be ready to put your body through whatever you like, knowing that you aren’t about to break, and you have a strategy to address any niggles should they return.

This program is unlike any you have tried before

  • The key to improving flexibility so it makes a difference to your movement, and it lasts more than 30 minutes post stretch, is progressing exercises beyond the initial stretch. This is the same system I teach physios and trainers around the world in my world first course on the same topic. Everything else is is just stretching to get better at stretching

  • What if you did a handful or reps of your most important exercise while waiting for the kettle to boil for example. How much could you get done?

  • Do this program anywhere, anytime, without needing expensive equipment or gym memberships

  • The biggest gains in functional strength are addressing weaknesses first. Otherwise further strength gains just reinforce poor movement patterns. Get strong where you need it.

  • No expensive equipment, gym memberships, or blocking off hours to get it done. All available on a smartphone app or online anywhere (desktop etc).

  • Have your hand held throughout by a leading industry expert with the opportunity to have your questions asked at any point along your journey.

"Shoulder pain gone!"

Toby’s 4 week Review…results and not even half through the program!

About Your Trainer

Glenn Phipps

B.Ex.Sp.Sci., M.Clin.Ex.Phys., AEP

As an award winning Exercise Physiologist working with everyone from world champions to everyday Joes trying to avoid surgery, I know what we all need in order to hit the peak of our movement capabilities.

And its all the same stuff.

Figure out where you are at, restore balance, and capitalise on improved function with strength and power.

The key missing ingredient in the industry has been progression of programming in this regard, and I’ve spent the last couple of years developing World First programs teaching therapists and trainers how to do this, with great success.

Now I want to offer everyone else the opportunity to get these results in as little time as possible.

Because the best program is the one you’ll do, and when it’s as little as 5 minutes a day, saying “I don’t have time” seems to really lose its edge.

The Power of Incidental Exercise!

Which means while gym memberships and expensive equipment is great for selling stuff. It isn't always what your body needs to move better.

Regular movement is the key to health and longevity, In fact, if you sit for work, research has shown that even if you workout 3 times a week for an hour at a time you still don’t reduce the health related risks of sitting for long periods. The key is to have a strategy to not only move more often, but move in ways that improve your weaknesses and imbalances.

Not only do I wake up pain free again but I can surf everyday without stressing about my back. I'm so glad I went through this program, and stuck with it which was really easy to do. I'm still using bits and pieces of the course everyday.

Aaron Nadel, Pain Free Surfing Dad

$99 p/week

Premium Package

Feel like you need more, or can't live without the gym!?

Everything in the 12 week program, plus;

  • 4 x Face to Face Zoom sessions valued at $150 per session

  • Personalised Strength and Conditioning programming to work alongside the 4 Phases in the Stretch Yourself Strong Program (utilising equipment you have access to)

  • Personalised programming available in seperate app

  • Direct contact at any time via message and additional phone calls where needed.

$30 p/week

12 Week Program

Rid niggles and pain and improve your performance and capacity in only 12 weeks

12 week programming

  • 5 minute routines for each phase

  • Optional 20 minute routine once a week (or more) for each phase

  • Daily challenges/Incidental exercise programming

  • Private group to answer questions and get support and motivation

  • Additional content to help you hit your own personal goals added weekly in private group

Still not sure? These bonuses are part of what you get today as well.

Private Group

A place where others on the journey can support you and guide you as well as expert advice, extra content and a place to get your questions answered.

Rather than book a session with me and wait a a week or 2, and at $150 a pop, you can have your questions answered as part of your program! Sometimes immediately, but always within a day. Pop a question in get an answer, plus stalk what others are doing. Feel the love in the group and give some if you want!!

Additional Cardio programming

Worried you'll lose track on your conditioning. You'll also get guidance around cardio sessions you can do that complement the program, utilising the same fit-it-in-where-you-can principles of incidental exercise.

PLUS ..a massive fast action bonus!! Get a 12 week membership to the Not Really Yoga Virtual Studio! Access any of the hundreds of hours of classes valued at $156 for your 12 weeks access (possibility to extend this following the program). This is ideal if you feel like you need more stuff to do!

$99 p/week

Premium Package

Feel like you need more, or can't live without the gym!?

Everything in the 12 week program, plus;

  • 4 x Face to Face Zoom sessions valued at $150 per session

  • Personalised Strength and Conditioning programming to work alongside the 4 Phases in the Stretch Yourself Strong Program (utilising equipment you have access to)

  • Personalised programming available in seperate app

  • Direct contact at any time via message and additional phone calls where needed.

$30 p/week

12 Week Program

Rid niggles and pain and improve your performance and capacity in only 12 weeks

12 week programming

  • 5 minute routines for each phase

  • Optional 20 minute routine once a week (or more) for each phase

  • Daily challenges/Incidental exercise programming

  • Private group to answer questions and get support and motivation

  • Additional content to help you hit your own personal goals added weekly in private group